Wednesday, 29 July 2015

How Much Force Does It Take to Chip a Windshield?


Windshield chips typically result from impact by small objects such as rocks or gravel. How hard does the object have to hit the windshield to leave a chip? That depends on several factors, including the mass of the object, the strength of your windshield and how fast the object and your car were traveling. How much force it takes to chip a windshield can vary greatly based on circumstances.

First of all, in order to make a chip, the relative speed of the impact usually has to be quite high. Relative speed, simply put, is the combination of the speed at which your car was traveling and the speed of the object traveling towards your car. So if your car is parked, a rock would have to be either traveling very fast or be very massive to make a dent. On the other hand, if your car is doing 90 miles per hour on the freeway, just getting hit by a bit of stray gravel that was thrown up by your wheels can result in chips.

Another important factor is the type and quality of your windshield. For some types of older glass, even a tiny rock that impacts at the low relative speed of 30 miles per hour can cause a chip. A windshield that has been subject to a lot of stress in the past is also more vulnerable to chipping. Stresses that eventually weaken your glass can include driving over bumpy terrain, past minor car accidents and being subject to extreme temperatures or temperature variations, which weaken the structure of the glass by forcing it to contract and expand abruptly.

On the other hand, most newer windshields are made using technology that reinforces their structure to render them more resistant to various impacts. Technologies are being constantly developed and perfected, so it pays to stay up to date, whether you are shopping for a new car or looking to upgrade your current model.

The amount of damage caused by an object hitting your windshield can also be affected by the shape of the object. A stone with sharp edges is more likely to cause chipping than a round pebble of the same size that impacts your windshield with the same amount of force. This is because a sharp or pointed edge actually increases the amount of force applied to the spot where it hits your glass. As the rock impacts, all the force is applied to a tiny area, as opposed to being spread out.

You cannot control whether or not a stray object happens to hit your windshield. The one factor that is entirely in your hands is the quality of your windshield. Visit this website to learn more about a windshield replacement in Raleigh.

1 comment:

  1. Really very interesting and very valuable information about the Impact Windshield nice work.

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